Saturday, March 14, 2009

Three wheeling with Grandpa & Chasing Molly

Last Sunday we were at my parents house and Peyton and my dad had fun outside with his little three wheel bike. Peyton loves his "Pa Pa" and had a ton of fun having Grandpa push him on his bike. Peyton did really good too staying on the seat and keeping his feet on the foot rest, he even started to get the hang of steering. After bike riding Peyton still had energy to burn so what better then chasing my parents lab Molly. Poor Molly is quite old and doesn't run so much anymore and is pretty much deaf but she is a sweetheart and let Peyton grab her tail and run after her. I don't know how much Molly liked it, but Peyton thought it was great!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

A fun Saturday

Scott's mom came down to our house today and Peyton was showing her his "house" and slide and what a big boy he is. We all had a nice time going out to eat and then playing with Peyton. Here are Peyton and Grandma in Peyton's playhouse.

Peyton showing Grandma how he goes down the slide. He went down the normal way for Grandma but he's been known to slide down head first!

Peyton loves his daddy! Pretty cute boys in their blue striped shirts!

Now that he is a little taller he loves to close doors, any door. No more will any door be left open, Peyton will make sure they are ALL closed! It is cute though when he can't get it closed with the doorknob he will crouch down and grab underneath the door to close it all they way.

Peyton "walking" on his knees. Our silly boy started this for the first time tonight. He giggles as he goes, until he topples over!

Scott turned on Handy Manny and Peyton was sucked in.The world stands still for Handy Manny in our house! Peyton LOVES Handy Manny, and we love using it to say "finish your breakfast/lunch/dinner and we can watch Handy Manny." Grandma Campbell even got him his own Handy Manny tool set and light up t-shirt for Christmas!