Saturday, January 24, 2009

We're Blogging!

We now have a blog! This year is off to a great start and life with an 18 month old keeps you busy! Peyton is now more active and daring than ever! He has figured out how to climb onto everything; chairs, toys, furniture, on top of a toy and then leap onto the sofa (that was interesting) and anything that can get him a little higher; also now knows how to spin himself around in a circle getting dizzy and throw up all over his clothes, thank goodness that one happened at daycare! He is also so silly and laughs at everything! Earlier today he was playing and got his sippy cup stuck in his shirt. At first this caused him to be upset that he couldn't get it out, but then he made the best of it and kept playing with it there. He also got to play with crayons for the first time to day when we went to lunch and other than an orange mark on the side of his head the rest of the drawing was on the paper!
Coloring, or trying to at least. He's got the right idea of it.
Taking a break to check the score of the KU game. They beat Iowa State, go Jayhawks!
Playing with sippy stuck in shirt. I wonder if I can get him to do this everytime... no more searching for the lost sippy cup

Peyton was sooo tired the other night that he zonked out while eating, even though we got his shirt off he wouldn't let go of that last bit in his hand!